My Time

    Lately I've noticed that I don't set aside some time for myself each day. I thought sobriety would be a little more relaxing and fun since I don't have to worry about the negative effects of drinking. Work a full and part time job to meet my financial obligations so there isn't a lot of time to relax. Seems like I'm trying to cram a million things into the day. Multitasking is not one of my specialties!! Even taking the time to write this has me thinking about what else I could be doing. Think I'm going to try meditation again, take 20 minutes a day for myself no matter what's going on. If you're not enjoying sobriety you are doing something wrong. Sometimes it's hard to look past the boring and mundane tasks of everyday life and find the beauty in things. Need to slow down a bit and enjoy. Keep up the good fight!!


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